We Envision a Vibrant Bachman Lake Neighborhood


Casa del Lago was born out of the vision of leaders at Cristo Rey Presbyterian Church. From its beginning in 2002, the church was seeking to serve the needs of the Hispanic community in the Webb Chapel Road corridor of northwest Dallas. English as a second language classes started being offered in 2006, and a Summer Youth Corps discipleship program was begun in 2011.

These leaders also recognized that the church’s own human and financial resources, which were quite limited, would not be enough to carry out their robust vision for serving the community. Several years of investigation, discussion, and prayer brought these leaders to the conclusion that they needed to start another nonprofit organization to carry out this vision. A working group was formed, and, in the fall of 2014, “Casa del Lago” (legally known as “Esperanza Ministries”) was incorporated as a 501c3 organization.

At Casa del Lago, we envision a vibrant Bachman Lake neighborhood filled with active and growing disciples of Christ who are equipped to face the educational, emotional, and material challenges of their lives and who are leading community transformation.

Our mission is to serve the Bachman Lake community with quality, faith-based educational programs, counseling and legal assistance.

Located within the 75220 zip code, the Bachman Lake neighborhood is an area of high need and offers few resources to the families living in poverty in this area.

Bachman Lake has a population of around 31,795 people

  • 89.1% of the people in Bachman Lake are Hispanic

  • 32% of Hispanics in Dallas live in poverty, that is 12.8% higher than the national average

  •  22.5% is the poverty rate in Bachman Lake (Dallas poverty rate is 14.2%)

  • Over 94% of students enrolled in local elementary schools are Hispanic

  •  97% of children in the local elementary schools are economically disadvantaged
